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코틀린 인터뷰 - How have you used Kotlin's coroutines to improve the performance and scalability of your code, and what are some best practices for working with coroutines?

by RWriter 2023. 2. 24.


How have you used Kotlin's coroutines to improve the performance and scalability of your code, and what are some best practices for working with coroutines?



Kotlin's coroutines provide a powerful tool for concurrent programming that can help improve the performance and scalability of software applications. By allowing for lightweight threads and async/await-style programming, coroutines can help developers write concurrent code that is easier to read, maintain, and reason about.

In my previous projects, I have used coroutines to improve the performance of code that involves I/O operations, such as network requests or file operations. By using coroutines to perform these operations asynchronously, I was able to avoid blocking the main thread and improve the overall responsiveness of the application. I have also used coroutines to simplify the code needed to work with callbacks and other asynchronous programming patterns.

Some best practices for working with coroutines include using structured concurrency to ensure that coroutines are properly managed and cleaned up, avoiding blocking operations within coroutines, and using cancellation to handle errors and resource cleanup. It is also important to be aware of the different coroutine scopes and context options available in Kotlin, and to choose the appropriate one for the task at hand.



