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코틀린 인터뷰 - What are some advantages of using Kotlin over other programming languages

by RWriter 2023. 2. 24.


What are some advantages of using Kotlin over other programming languages, and how have you leveraged these advantages in your previous projects?



Kotlin provides a number of benefits that make it an attractive choice for modern software development. One of the biggest advantages is its ability to increase developer productivity by reducing boilerplate code and offering a more concise syntax. Kotlin's strong type system and null-safety features also help reduce errors and improve code reliability. Additionally, Kotlin has excellent interop with Java, which makes it a great choice for developers working in mixed-language environments.

In my previous projects, I have used Kotlin's concise syntax to reduce the amount of code I need to write, which has allowed me to focus more on the core functionality of the application. I have also leveraged Kotlin's strong type system and null-safety features to catch errors early and ensure the reliability of my code. Finally, I have found Kotlin's interop with Java to be extremely useful, allowing me to integrate Kotlin code with existing Java codebases seamlessly.



