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코틀린 인터뷰 - What are some of the key features of Kotlin's object-oriented programming capabilities

by RWriter 2023. 2. 24.


What are some of the key features of Kotlin's object-oriented programming capabilities, and how have you leveraged these features to improve the design and structure of your code?



Kotlin's object-oriented programming capabilities provide a powerful tool for building software applications that are modular, maintainable, and extensible. Some of the key features of Kotlin's object-oriented programming include support for classes, interfaces, inheritance, and extension functions.

In my previous projects, I have used Kotlin's object-oriented programming capabilities to create modular, extensible code that is easy to maintain and evolve over time. By using classes and interfaces to define clear boundaries between components, I was able to create a modular architecture that allowed me to easily swap out or update different parts of the application. I have also used inheritance and extension functions to create reusable abstractions that can be easily extended or overridden in subclasses.

Some best practices for working with object-oriented programming in Kotlin include using composition over inheritance to promote code reuse, leveraging interfaces to create flexible, extensible APIs, and following the SOLID principles to create well-designed, maintainable code. It is also important to be aware of the tradeoffs between inheritance and delegation, and to choose the appropriate approach for the task at hand.



